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Running the wrong race: Victor Obagidi

Running the wrong race

I often explain this particular secret to my inner circles that "Running the wrong race is one of the easiest thing to start but difficult to finish" you know why? That is the only kind of race that satisfies the human egoistic projection. It is normal to the human in every individual to want to quickly get result especially when it has to do with using the result to get back at someone else's action or prove a point that the stone the builders rejected can become a corner stone.

It is therefore very easy for the human in us to jump start a race that doesn't belong to us. A race that is neither related to where we are going nor where we should go. The ease of starting this race comes from the strength we get from the previous turndown, rejection, unexpected response or the derogatory expression of someone else about us. And sometimes, it comes from what the environment points to us.

Let me make it a bit more clearer, pressure and force are very much related. As force increases, there's a generation of a higher pressure. To the science persons, they'll say that pressure is directly proportional to force. This is how it goes, the extent to which things get to us generates a pressure within us to want to find a way out as soon as possible. So, this pressure, if not properly managed is easily channeled to an activity that is aimed to counter-balance the forces of rejections or turndowns as the case may be. Hence, we are pressured to start the wrong race. I call this the *"PRINCIPLE OF PRESSURE TRANSMISSIBILITY IN THE WRONG RACE"* which states that the pressure generated from a previous turndown or rejection is transmitted equally to begin a wrong race.

In relationships, the extent at which people jump into the wrong race by settling for a partner that they aren't compatible with is amazing. A lady feels the need to get back to the person that had just messed up in a relationship with her by quickly finding another person to fill the gap. She doesn't care what the law of compatibility states, provided she makes the traitor feel bad about letting her go in the first place. A guy also channels the pressure generated by the force of turndown by someone else to quickly kick-start another relationship before the claim that he isn't a good guy is justified.

A promising entrepreneur who just started a business has just been reminded that he/she isn't doing well enough financially based on his/her inability to give back to the family. A pressure is generated and that propels needs to go for another option that has more monetary feedback. This finally equates letting go of whatever is at hand irrespective of what the future holds.

Let me drive it straight down from here. There's always a high probability of starting up the wrong race due to pressure but it often ends up to be one of the worse things ever done. Trying to get back at people is a wrong project that should always be avoided.

The fact that some persons judge success by how people dress doesn't mean you should empty your account just to dress to look successful. You have just been reminded that you're getting old is not enough reason to hook up with someone. Someone rejected you is not a justifiable reason why you should accept anyone that comes next.

Here is the big deal and the big question, "what matters most to you now?"

The answer to this question tells you exactly where to channel the pressure generated from any encounter with people or environment. If what matters most to you is to go to school, then, you should channel the pressure generated to doing all you can to get yourself to go to school. If what matters to you is to develop yourself so you can get better at handling things, relating with people, managing your emotions or other self development areas, then, that's exactly where you should channel that pressure to.

Getting back at people doesn't take you to where you are supposed to be, it only drives you to where your human ego wants to go which in the long run is the the wrong place. Don't start the wrong race because the environment told you to run. Besides, the fact that it is everyone's philosophy doesn't make it right.

If you have started the wrong race, you should turn back before you go too far. Go back and start on the right track to set your own record. Simply put, doing the right thing regardless of your past experiences is what I call THE RIGHT RACE!

If you think someone in your contact needs to read this please *SHARE!*

I am committed to your personal development.

*_Victor Obagidi_*

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