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Some years ago, I was sharing my dream Nigeria with a man who seem to be in his late 40s. I was so excited as he gave me an undivided attention listening to everything I had to say. I spoke passionately because the Nigeria I was at that time wasn't the Nigeria I see and I was willing to do anything to ensure I get the Nigeria of my dreams.

After about two hours of talking... The man, being thrilled by my passion put his hands across my shoulder and whispered quietly in my ears "My dear, don't waste your time on trying to make Nigeria better. Just do whatever you can using whatever comes your way to get yourself a good life. I had this same mindset of yours some years ago and it didn't pay off. Since I was born, I have always been told that Nigeria will get better and now am forty something and Nigeria has grown worse. Well, I don't think it can ever be better because people who do the wrong thing are always the ones enjoying the good life" He then went ahead to mention few names of his friends who cut corners to get to where they are.

My enthusiasm melted immediately... I saw disappointments written all over his face. He was sincere enough because he wanted a good life for me and wouldn't want me to end up at the losing side. He lost his hope in Nigeria, he lost his believe, his enthusiasm about making Nigeria a better place disappeared into the thin air. Hmm... At that point, I was faced with making a choice on the path to follow... Should I go his way or not? I battled with making a decision as the law of polarity was at work.

Finally, I knew I had to choose the path to follow. I had to decide my fate and follow my decision passionately. Remembering the names he mentioned compared to his status was a good pointer to where I should go. But then, I remembered that the Nigeria as at that time was the one I inherited and since am not comfortable with it, I should deliver a better Nigeria that the next generation would be proud to live in. Right at that point, I made my choice to "BE A SOLUTION AND NOT A PART OF THE PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVED". Although, making that decision was hard for me... But, I have never regretted it one day as I have committed myself to living and teaching a life of value. The next generation is much more important than my personal profit. If the people before me chose personal profit in place of my generational profit and the result is the Nigeria I am experiencing, then to get a different result, I have to change the formula. Hence, I have placed generational profit over my personal profit. This is an ideal I hope to live for and if otherwise, an ideal I am willing to die for.

This is not a motivation but a call to action. If Nigeria must get it right, our value system must be right. If I do the right thing and you do the same always, then the generation of wrong values will be on it's way out and gradually, a new generation (Nigeria) will emerge. Make a decision today to BE A SOLUTION AND NOT A PART OF THE PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVED.


Yours in Nation building:
Obagidi Victor

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