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PHASE OF LIFE (SERIES 1-7): by Osaigbovo O. Ighodaro


 I have discovered that without your permission nor consent, every thing you go through in life cumulatively amount into a phase of your life. The kind of you that you become after this phase is determined by the people you meet and the knowledge you have about God's will for you.
Let me advice you,take advantage of this phase you are now to develop virtues you will need to survive in the next phase you will enter soon.

Expect from this series: PHASES OF is not yet a book,it is still a discussion segment between me and my Father

Let me remind you that your life progresses in phases and you are expected to be aware of the current phase you are now. But non of this phases begins or ends with a notice. This is the major cause of unnecessary regrets and unrecognized opportunities!
In every phase,there comes an opportunity for a quantum leap (can be a trap if not godly). Know it and enjoy it!

Still on the matter; PHASES OF LIFE...
Enjoy and recognize the godly Quantum leap opportunities

Understand that it is called a "phase" because it is not meant to last. No mater what you are going through currently, it is not permanent. It is just a phase of life!
If you are going through the "down" times,endure it. If you are experiencing the "Up" times,maximize it! The "now" is a route to the "later" so don't sacrifice the future blindly.

I have much to tell you but it is expedient that I take it gradually so I don't impress you but impact you!
Still in the class;PHASES OF LIFE

Your greatest pointer to a better phase from this your current phase is to run in opposite direction to short cuts(attractive enemies).
Let me advice by the help of the holy spirit, don't avoid training (tasks/punishments), give chance for corrections (scoldings), allow friends be their true self(Help or Betrayal), Work (hustle) and walk(relate) based on the love FOR paper not the Love OF paper(Put money where it belongs)....I will explain better as we move on in this journey.... PHASES OF LIFE!

Most times,the surest indicator of a change of phase in your life apart from events (experiences) is the transition of certain kind of people out and into your life. This transition can be sometimes violent (heart break),mutual (matured separation), undetectable (you don't even know why) or deliberate (you backed out).
We sometimes try to restore relationships we don't need for this current phase of life. I call it "inviting extra loads" to yourself. When friends leave you and you don't know why or you know your conscience is clear about the separation, let them go! The reason why you should make any move to restore a broken relationship is when you know you messed up. If you need them for this current phase, they will definitely come back! If they are yours,they will return!

The most important part of any phase in life is THE DECISION PHASE. You don't make decisions just because you need to escape wasting time or for the fear of being left out. NO! Before you decide: devise, divide,revise,realise,be wise and think twice.

When we go on long distance travels,we encounter CHECK POINTS. Check points are not time wasting strategies but life saving strategies. As you move on in the journey of life,don't ever ignore or try boycotting a check point because it sometimes looks like delay but on the other hand its all for your own good!
Always check yourself to see what you are doing well,doing wrong and doing average! RESPECT CHECK POINTS!

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