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Meet Male Uniben Campus Villa Personality of the week: Jimoh Abdullah Oluwatobiloba

Meet Male Uniben Campus Villa Personality of the week: Jimoh Abdullah Oluwatobiloba

(23rd-29th Oct '16)

Name: Jimoh Abdullah Oluwatobiloba

Nickname:  HorlaSapient

Title:  Mr

Dept: Social Work

Level:  200

DOB:  01/26

Hobby: Too many  hobbies for a life time

Religion: Islam

Tribe: omo Yoruba ni mi oo

Relationship:  Complicated

Likes:  Honesty

Dislike:  lies

Handiwork: Signs and Printing

Leisure:  Sleep na...what else

Award: Best school student in primary sch days.

Memories of childhood:  The day i stole meat in the pot, and forgot how the spoon was placed then almost got caught

Dreams:  someone great

Favourite colour: none

Favourite food: none

Favourite quote: If not me ,who? If not now, when?


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