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Prevent heart disease and keep the heart alive: by Chuka Amukamara


common heart diseases
Heart failure
Heart attack
Stroke, etc
Heart disease is a general name for a wide variety of diseases, disorders and conditions that affect the heart and sometimes the blood vessels as well.
Heart disease is the number one killer of women and men in the United States, and more than a million Americans have myocardial infarction, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
The term "heart disease" is often used interchangeably with "cardiovascular disease". Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that may lead to a heart attack, chest pain(angina) or stroke. Other heart conditions such as those that affect the heart muscles, valves or rhythm, also are considered forms of heart diseases.
Symptoms of heart disease vary depending on the specific type of disease. While most of the heart diseases present chest pain, atherosclerosis may be asymptomatic unless life-threatening complications develop. Other mild symptoms of heart diseases
shortness of breath
oedema etc.
Although some other diseases or drug interactions/side effects may present some of these symptoms,
hence one is advised to see a doctor.
Risk factors for developing heart diseases
 Heart diseases are common in the United States due to their life style, eating habit and types of food. Sadly, heart disease is becoming Africa's next problem as we replace most of our traditional African dishes with adopted pattern of meal. Risk factors include:
High cholesterol
African-American ancestry
Drinking excessive alcohol
Long-term stress
Family history
Certain congenital heart defects may be as a result of exposure to specific toxins during pregnancy
Prevention of heart diseases
Considering the risk factors, it becomes obvious that we can prevent heart diseases since most of the causes can actually be avoided by a mere
adjustment in diet,
Healthy life style
Regular exercise
Avoid smoking
Reduce or avoid alcohol consumption
Achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight
Eating a heart-healthy, balanced diet
Regular prenatal care, to help prevent congenital heart defects
Where heart disease is suspected, the individual is advised to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Dietician Says
Cooking habits
cooking oils and their rates of consumption play the most significant role in about 60% of the heart diseases recorded.
Taking Nigeria as a case study, there are areas through which we invite heart defects. Although their impact is not felt immediately, a build up of effects leads to defects. Areas like:
Bleaching of oil while cooking
Cooking with oils that contain mostly saturated fats
Little or no intake of essential fatty acids
Consumption of animal fats, an unhealthy source of cholesterol
Bleaching of oil
Different oil have different smoke point "temperature which they can be heated before they smoke, discolored and broken down. Palm oil "red oil" has the lowest smoke point. Immediately the smoke point of most oils is exceeded, the natural cis-fatty acids they contain are converted to trans-fatty acids which are very dangerous to the heart as they decrease the level of HDL (high density lipoprotein) and increase level of LDL(low density lipoprotein ) bad cholesterol. The best oil for frying are those with very high smoke point, they include: sunflower oil, soy oil, canola oil peanut oil etc. Frying with palm oil is strictly not healthy.
Oil consistency
The consistency of oil (whether liquid or semisolid ) at room temperature is a clue to it's fatty acid make up.
Vegetable oils that are liquid at room temperature "ordinary temperature without extra heating" contain high amount of unsaturated fatty acids and little amount of saturated fatty acids. They are most healthy for consumption.
Oils and their most suitable uses
Frying: soy oil, sunflower oil, canola oil
Cooking : olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, almond oil, avocado oil, palm oil etc.
Essential fatty acids
These are fatty acids required by human for good health and healthy heart. They cannot be synthesized by human body hence must be taken as diet or supplement. They are required in the synthesis of body defence substances and other important chemicals in the body. Examples include: linolenic acid, linoleic acid etc.
Sources: fishes, soy oil, canola oil, leafy vegetables, walnuts etc.
Being selective about the type of lipid you consume is very important for the health of your heart, as well as avoiding animal fats.
Whenever the issue of alcohol is raised, a scientist and alcoholic would want to defend other alcoholics by quoting that alcohol inhibits ADH and reduces LDL level in the body, this is true only for low-moderate consumption. High levels of alcohol consumption are associated with an increased risk of:
Damage to central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
Coronary heart disease
Ischemic stroke
Liver diseases
Risk of developing diabetes known as the sick-quitter effect etc.
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome: severe memory loss, mental confusion, and partial paralysis. The syndrome is more common among alcoholics than in the general population.
Alcohol affects Blood Glucose Levels: Consumption of alcohol (ethanol), especially after periods of strenuous activity or after not eating for several hours, results in a deficiency of glucose in the blood, a condition termed hypoglycemia

Chukwuka Francis Amukamara
Department of Pharmacy
University of Benin

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