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Healthy lifestyle and weightloss: by Cynthia Okeke

 Healthy lifestyle and weightloss

The Dos and Dont's

Or what you need to know.

Can you lose weight just by dieting?

You will lose weight if you eat a low-calorie diet in which you burn off more calories than you take in, and you will gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn off. Adding physical activity allows you to burn more calories than dieting alone...

You could spend years chasing every fad, weird piece of advice, and crazy idea… and the worst part is, you’d probably be right back where you started.

Because here’s the wicked truth about dieting: Most diets work, but most also fail

Whether your diet is motived by looks or health or both, it doesn’t matter, no one wants to end up right back where they started. That’s why you need to know the things I will lecture you.

Don’t wander into another diet blind or trusting the myths of fat loss. Have confidence, know where you’re going, and reach real, lasting success along the way.


We’re going to put “consistency” into perspective. It’s not a magical quality that people who keep lists and calendars have, and it’s not a boring mantra about “doing the same thing all the time.” Consistency is an average  it’s a commitment to do the right thing most of the time

Most diets are temporary and rigid. For some people, that’s a perfect recipe for fat loss. Get in, lose a few pounds, and get out. But for most of us, when we get out again, we’re not any better off than when we started. And that’s because the holy grail that most diets resort to which is  consistency is lacking or inadequate.

This is really important. Lots of research has looked at how dieters turn out after a year or two, and the results are dismal. Most subjects in weight loss studies manage to lose significant weight (more than 10% of their body’s worth). Now, most diets would raise the flag and call it quits right there  success, right? Not quite. Looking deeper, studies that follow those people after the diet ends find they gain most of that weight right back. About 70% of it, in fact.

QUANTITY is more important than QUALITY here

A good diet is one that actually makes you lose fat works because you consume fewer calories than you burn.

Fat is energy stored in your body. To lose fat, you have to convince your body it needs to burn it off to survive. Just like you wouldn’t dip into your savings if you’re making bank every month, your body won’t pull from its stores of fat-energy unless it absolutely needs to. That means you have to be in a calorie deficit: eating less energy (food) than your body uses and needs.

All you have to do is eat less and move more — it’s easy! Except it usually doesn’t seem that way. Part of the reason is that most people are (rightly) confused as hell about what they really need to do to lose weight. Avoid this, eat that, drink these, wear these shoes, use this product, follow that program

If you want your diet to actually work (and you do) this might be the most important thing to understand: 

_calories and protein matter, and most everything else doesn’t_ .

You just have to keep pushing cause sooner than later it will all make sense

_You Don’t Have to Be Miserable to Lose Weight_

So, know this: Calories are the most important part of a diet, and calories come from macronutrients (macros): protein, carbs, and fat. These fragments of your food control your dieting destiny, and you can master them if you track them

Here’s the bright side! Knowing that calories and macros (especially protein) matter the most gives you an enormous amount of freedom. It means you don’t have to give up your favorite foods, it means you don’t have to take a shot in the dark with one weird diet after the next, and most of all it means you don’t have to be miserable. And you can still lose weight.

If you don’t have to avoid your favorite dishes, expel happiness from your life, you might (definitely will) be better off in the long-run. So, take this truth and roll with it: Diet in a way that’s sustainable, makes sense, and gets you where you want to go — without killing yourself on the way. How?


(This advice might not be for everyone. We all know that person: “I just can’t control myself/stop eating carbs/have just one slice/etc.” The best we can say here is: You have the freedom to not be that person. The choice is yours

_Protein is the Game-Changer You’ve Been Looking For_

It should be clear now that calories matter the most when dieting: If you’re not restricting calories, you’re not going to move energy out of your body, which is the most confusing way to say, “lose weight.” It’s just not possible. But, while calories will control the amount of weight you lose, where those calories come from (macros) will change what kind of weight you lose. And that’s where protein comes in.

Calories makes sense, but why protein? Because eating plenty of protein while you diet spares your body from burning through its stores of muscle. so more of the weight you lose will be fat. And of all the macronutrients, protein helps you stay the fullest. Eating high-protein foods on a diet helps stave off pesky hunger, keeping you satiated and happy.

And the best part might be that high-protein diets have weird, amazing effects. For instance, in a study where subjects overate on pure protein, a 400-calorie surplus of protein caused subjects to lose more fat than a moderate-protein control group . Not bad at all.

I am not suggesting you say, “calories be damned!” and gorge yourself on protein. Calories are still more important for weight loss, in general. But you have to admit, protein is cool.)

Also a high-protein diets are not dangerous or bad for your kidneys (unless you already have a serious kidney disease). In fact, if there’s ever a food group that’s on your side while dieting, it’s protein.

Maintain Muscle for Long-Term Success

Every unit of muscle has a certain metabolic activity, meaning it burns a certain number of calories just by existing. Adding more muscle (or keeping the muscle you already have) can benefit your metabolism, your diet, and the success of your diet when it’s over.

Muscle isn’t as metabolically active as most other organs like the heart, brain, or kidneys. Since we can’t really make our kidneys bigger to burn fat. (And that wouldn’t’ be a great idea, health-wise.) Muscle is the only major organ-system we can significantly change, which is why muscle is important for sustainable fat loss. At the end of your diet, you don’t want to be worse off (metabolically) than when you started.

If you lose muscle while dieting, you’ll reduce your metabolism. That means the diet itself could get harder (since you’ll have to eat even less to be in a deficit) and maintaining your weight after the diet will be harder, too. That’s why dieting isn’t just about losing fat — it’s also about NOT LOSING MUSCLE So, how do we do that?

You already know one trick: eat lots of  PROTEIN. When you’re in a deficit, your body steals protein from muscle tissue to feed other parts of your body, creating hormones and enzymes, rebuilding organs, and generally allowing you to stay alive — which is nice. But if you get enough protein from food, your body will have plenty to work with and won’t have to dip into its “savings,” aka your biceps and glutes.

Talking of glutes ladies in the house I guess u know what that means?... 😉


In the land of dieting, nutrition is queen. (Remember who’s king?!) If you’re not eating a calorie deficit with plenty of protein you’re setting yourself up for failure. But exercise has its place too you should exercise while dieting. You’ll expend more calories and, if you do it right, hold onto precious, metabolism-boosting muscle. Science backs this up: Dieters who also exercised maintained more weight loss after a year than those who just dieted or just exercised

It means our ass n hips 

Eating more protein aids in adding up around those area

But it’s not always as clear what kind of exercise you should be doing. There’s a big debate between the two ends of the spectrum: lifting weights and doing cardio. Which is better for fat loss?

Lifting weights doesn’t expend as much energy as cardio, so you could make an argument that cardio is the better driver of fat loss. But exercising while dieting isn’t about burning more fat, it’s about not burning more muscle. And that’s where hitting the weights wins, hands-down.


it’s pretty obvious that hunger is the big problem with dieting. Unfortunately, there’s no way around that. To make serious progress, at some point you’re going to feel hungry  even hangry. But, while we can’t banish hunger completely, we can play it smart and keep it to a minimum. Here’s how....

We already talked about this one: Eat lots of protein. It has such a robust impact on satiety (fullness) that scientists think protein-induced satiety can cause weight loss on its own, by making you eat less. Yes, protein is awesome.

You can also make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber. Although some research questions whether fiber makes a big difference in fullness. soluble fiber options like oats have long been touted as great diet foods because they digest slowly and keep you fuller, longer.

Finally, eating foods with high “volume” will improve satiety. Simply put, high-volume foods take up more space in your stomach than lower-volume foods, given the same amount of energy. For instance, 500 calories of popcorn fill you up better than 500 calories of jelly beans.

Other examples of food with high filling or satiety


Boiled Potatoes.

Eggs. .. 

Oatmeal. ... 

Fish. ... 

Soups. ... 

Meat. ... 

Greek Yogurt. ... 


So u combat hunger by choosing foods that is...

1.High in protein

2. High in fibre

3. High volume.

With these tricks, you can fill the void in your stomach a few hours longer every day. That makes a big difference in consistency and success.

Keep it slow and steady

slow and steady wins the race. Diet slowly, methodically, and with an eye on sustainability instead of speed. Your future self thanks you.

How Long YOU Should Diet

Stop when you’ve reached your goal, or when you see the warnings signs telling you to. Here are the bright red flags that indicate you should consider ending your cut.

When your health/body is no longer able to witstand d change in diet fr a longer tym Tk a break n continue later 

When you find urself in a weightloss plateau(a situation were you neither loose nor gain weight)......Change your routine to snap out of it ,you can try carb recycling (low carb for 3days and high carb for 2 days) ,7 days Detox ( we hv d fruit fast detox n d lemon detox )

When you no longer enjoying your weightloss journey .....stop ,maintain ur current weight and continue afterwards

With this I hv come to the end of my lecture for today 

Kindly drop your questions

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