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*IT'S OUR RESPONSIBILITY: Dr. Samuel Lena Ugwumba*


Actions speak louder than words.
Sometime ago, I happen to have shared thoughts with a colleague about power and some esoteric ideals and I could still remember asking him if it was possible for a Christian to vanish and find him/herself in some other places. I had asked him such a question because he was one of the spirit-filled guys living in my neighborhood at that point in time!
His reply was: 'How could you think of something like vanish from here and appear in Kano, are you a witch or in the occult?'' He went on to describe what he felt the powers of light or darkness meant to him and I looked and listened in stark astonishment!
Then it hit me really hard that perhaps, he felt the power of darkness was superior or better displayed than the power of light!
Oftentimes we get to hear stories of how arrogantly those in the occult display their powers to the extent that they could point a finger at someone and project virtues out of the person or diseases and misery into the person. And most times when we do hear or see these things, we exclaimed that perhaps occultic people or those from the underworld are more powerful, confident, prosperous and celebrated than their believing counterparts!
That they could do whatever they do is an indication that you too, who profess Jesus as your Lord and Personal saviour can do even greater things than that!
Yes, a Christian can vanish. A true child of God can go to Lagos from Calabar without using the road, air, or sea. You too can be teleported!
I hope you still remember that the devil or Lucifer or Satan is a creature created by the same God that made you and me? Then if he's a creature, don't you think that whatever power his people tend to display came from somewhere?
All power is derived from God and He magnanimously bequeathed all that He created with some measure of power but it pleased God that in Jesus should all power dwell and be found in. And Jesus being the Christ (anointed) is the person that indwells every believer whether old or young!
Then if Jesus who's the Head of all Principalities and the maker of those powers too lives in you everyday, why do you fret over the display of infinitesimal powers?
Why do you belittle yourself and run away from things which you can effortlessly handle? Why have you continued to arrogate eminence and overwhelming might to the poor devil?
It's time we challenged some of these age-long beliefs about the invincibility of the devil and the powerlessness of the church.
Need I remind you that more people than before are now finding it pleasurable in becoming atheists or following strange gods because most of our sermons nowadays are replete with empty rhetorics and terribly motivational at best!
And I ask, did the apostles and early Christians use motivational speeches to spread the world of God? Absolutely no! There was a raw display of power which convinced the people more than even their sermons. So, why have we suddenly gone so motivational in Nigeria that we are now witnessing high rate of rape, robbery, abduction, murder and every form of corruption?
Today, it's so easy to find gays, lesbians, paedophiles and even those in the occult lead worship songs, direct the choir or be made elders and knights in our churches!
And I ask why have we become so tolerant with abominations to the extent that thick darkness has pervaded Africa, and Nigeria even though we claim to be Christians?
Well, I know that my pastor has never ceased to emphasize that a Christian is someone who brings solutions to the problems of his times and not the church goer or bench warmer who only wishes to be identified as a Christian by just hiding in church.
Do you still remember that God never said that we are the light of our churches or the salt of our denominations? I know God still speaks to you that you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth! That's who you are, a global brand and not some cheap local ads!
The Christians in Nigeria still remain the only group of people I know that can change the current realities of this country if only they will to do.
Fellow Christians, the power to right the too many wrongs in this country has been lying fallow in the fields of our lives and the moment we decide to rise up to the occasion, the moment that power will receive divine activation!
If Nigeria crumples, God will hold every Christian in this country accountable. Let's rise up and do for Nigeria what God had long expected us to do.
I pray today that as it is in heaven, so shall it be in Nigeria!!
# We_must_heal_Nigeia
# Nigeria_is_free_indeed
©Dr Sam Ugwumba

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